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Dutch election

by Geoff Abell on 16 March, 2017

The Dutch are a curious combination: close to English culture and language, they have big bureaucracy yet liberal views on drugs. Big on trade and cycling monarchs. Sober until the national day’s holiday when everyone parties all day and orange is the only colour. Relaxed attitude to tourists but a growing anti-Muslim, anti-immigration movement.
But last night they rejected the far-right anti-immigration party (and the socialists) and elected a parliament with pro-EU parties: moderate right, smaller liberal and green parties in particular will form a bigger part of parliament, with an 80% turnout. And because (like many other lands) the Netherlands use a form of PR, there will be a stable coalition with many influences under the prime minister, Mark Rutte.
When we concentrated so long and hard on a US campaign where truth went out of the window, it’s good to see a stable situation in one of our nearest neighbours.

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