Marple Lib Dems

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The future of Stockport Market

by Geoff Abell on 16 February, 2016


Deputy leader of Stockport, Cllr Iain Roberts, says,

There have been claims that the Council aims to end market trading in Stockport’s wonderful historic market hall. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Council’s goal is to restore a thriving, bustling, economically successful market to the market hall, making it once again the beating heart of the town.

“Over the last few years both traders and the Council have worked hard to improve the marketplace: it is better presented, cleaner, with more shops and stalls inside, better signage, more marketing through web and social media and more special events like the very popular Foodie Friday.
“Despite all the improvements, not enough people are shopping there on regular market days. We are determined to turn that around, to bring more people to shop in and around the market hall from right across Stockport borough and beyond. 
“To do that, we need to change the offer in the marketplace to one that will attract more customers – with a market focusing on food and drink. We are working with traders to find a new, better, location for other stall-holders. 
“Change is never easy, and I would like to thank all the traders who are working with us to make it successful. It is absolutely essential that we do this if we are to have a thriving, successful market in the historic heart of our town.

3 Responses

  1. Joy Armstrong says:

    I recently received a Lib Deb leaflet about a taxi service charging £1.00 for one way and £1.60 for the return. Brilliant I thought, particularly as I was without a car at the time. I rang the number and registered to use the service. Then discovered I had not read the leaflet properly. I had to return a heart machine to Stepping Hill nand wanted to order the taxi to take me there and back. No, I could not do that as it would not go to Stepping Hill, it is literally the very very local areas stated. I had to order a taxi in the normal manner and it cost me £20.00 (because of the horrendous traffic) to go to Stepping Hill, a two minute stop to drop the equipment on the desk and straight back to High Lane. To make matters worse, the taxi driver then told me that if it was only to return a piece of equipment, they would take the equipment and return it to Stepping Hill and I would have only had to pay a one way charge. That would have been great if the staff in Cardiology had advised me that one could do this, even if they only recommended one particular taxi service. I cannot see this local taxi service being of much use to me – if I wished to go to Marple shopping, I could not not carry heavy shopping back to the taxi. Thank goodness I now have wheels even though I am obviously another vehicle on the road, any services provided have to be convenient to the users.

  2. eric lewis says:

    I hope you succeed in reviving the market; given that their raison d’etre has largely disappeared you have a considerable task on your hands. your proposal to make it more of a social venue makes sense to me. Pity it’s at the top of a steep hill! Why doesn’t the town centre bus go past it?
    The location may be the historic heart but it’s not the heart now is it? Will a revitalised market building be able to attract people on its own when there is little other reason for people to go that that area of town? Children are the future, how will you persuade them that they will enjoy a visit to the market?

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