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The Referendum is 3 weeks away

by Geoff Abell on 20 May, 2016

EU UK flags

When the arguments and statistics are peeled away, this referendum is really about one thing for me personally.

Do we want to befriend our fellow European nations, or do we want them at a distance?

Do we want our leaders to talk to the other neighbouring leaders to tackle issues like terrorism, financial crises or the environment?  Exchange ideas, not threats.

Of course we have the capacity to go it alone, but why throw away 50 years when 28 strong, democratic nations freely came together after one of the most bloody conflicts the world has seen?

We have a United Kingdom, so why not a consensus-building, solid EU, where you can only get a result, not by ordering people, but by persuading them of your argument?

Share a strong link, but not a strong government, with peoples that share a common economy, history and way of life.

For me, as you’ve guessed, the answer is that we are Stronger In and I will vote positively and choose to remain in one of the most unique organisations in the world.  

And I shall do it partly so that my children will inherit a better, safer and more thriving world.


Cllr Geoff Abell


4 Responses

  1. David Hall says:

    I understand and respect your views on EU membership. However it is not a condition of EU membership to discuss issues with other governments, and those discussions with none EU members continue.

    I know we can control and adjust the economy by ourselves, it may hit a few bumps in the road but we will come through it.

    What I see as being out of our control are legalities which we are obliged to follow as a member of the EU in the area of human rights, immigration, social benefits payments and their ultimate destination etc.

    So with respect it seems we will cancel each other out on voting day, you may as well stay at home Geoff.


    David Hall

    • Geoff Abell says:

      Thanks for that David.
      We have many treaties with many organisations and countries. GATT is just one. The EU is a treaty-based organisation. And most of what is does, it does for the benefit of all peoples of all nations, not just a few. And it has to be consensual with 28 voices. In areas such as workers rights and the environment only the EU did enough.

      Would you, for example, want the break up of the UK for similar reasons? Including Wales that was conquered and never had a referendum to decide who governed it?

      I like democracy, and will be voting David. As I trust you will be. At least we will have the right voting system on 23 June!

  2. Joan Charman says:

    Hi Geoff
    I’m with you on this issue. If we look back to the first half of the 20th. century and the terrible conflicts therein we have to say that co-operation between European countries is essential.
    I would also rather have laws which have been agreed by all European representatives than those imposed by our own Tory government – especially in the area of human rights.
    For the sake of my grandchildren and subsequent generations I will be voting to stay in the EU.
    Joan Charman

  3. George Thomas says:

    SO much garbage pollutes the EU remain/exit campaigns. Really there are 4 main issues: Sovereignty, the economy, geopolitical and immigration.
    Sovereignty may be a red herring long since superseded by globalisation; an example is the rules and regulations set by the world trade organisation passed down to the EU & other bodies for implementation.
    The economy is a worry – if the leave campaigners believe that our trade imbalance with the EU puts us in a position of power regarding trade negotiations they have not thought things through. Only 4 or 5 EU countries have a surplus trade position with us. Surely the other 20 will seek to take up the positions we vacate rather than support us.
    The geopolitical situation may best be served as part of a larger group re. climate/environment, defence, health and scientific investment; this points to a stronger position at the top table.
    Immigration may be another red-herring. Our top heavy demographics necessitate heavy welfare and pension commitments. This means that immigrants are essential to our economy; currently we take them from the EU while BritExers would take more from the Commonwealth countries. Tacitly there is a consensus, immigrants are required (and studies show that immigrants contribute about 3 billion net to the economy).
    I agree that we would survive outside the EU but only after much disruption. Clearly we will not regain our current trade deals within the single market and it will take time to negotiate new deals globally.
    I suggest the status quo is the best current deal available and that we should try to reform the EU from within. Since it is now much expanded other counties will rail against a super state; we should lead these countries.

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