Marple Lib Dems

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Asda Update

by Geoff Abell on 23 July, 2015

Not only have Asda in Marple permitted evening parking in their car park, but after a suggestion by local Marple Lib Dem councillors, they have restored the bicycle stand recently.  We are working for both cyclists and car users locally!


8 Responses

  1. Eric Millward says:

    On the subject of the Asda car park I wonder how many motorists are aware that, according to the notices, if you park your car there and leave the “site” you are liable to a fine of £70 …. no free 2 hour stay allowed under these circumstances. I also wonder if the parking company would ever act on this rule?

    • Geoff Abell says:

      Asda have assured us that they switch off their automated equipment in the evening. If you or anyone else have had a problem in this regard, please let us know.

  2. Kirsty Garrett says:

    Hi, I’ve just received a £40 fine for parking in Asda car park from 7.55pm to 10.40pm last Tuesday while visiting the cinema. I’ve just called Asda and the person I spoke to said he had only just found out about this and I’m not the only person to receive a fine. Do you know if the rules have changed?

    • Geoff Abell says:

      We were told that it was off. I will chase it. Email me directly with any more information.

    • Geoff Abell says:

      Alan Jones, a senior manager at Asda, admitted there was a problem. All late night fines are cancelled and refunds (where appropriate) are due. In addition signage will be updated. Any problems like this, let us know.

  3. Maggie says:

    I received a “fine” for going over 2 hrs in the daytime between 4 and 6 pm. This is not a fine but an invoice and has no legal force. the amount should be claiming damages for actual loss, of which there is none! In a half full car park, with an Asda shop, there is no loss but a financial gain to Asda. This is bully tactics, scaring people into paying up quickly. It is discriminatory to older people and especially to older women, as this is the category of person that shops at Asda before the younger workers shop in the evening. I have asked around and heard numerous cases wher people have been frightened and just paid the fine. It contravenes Asda values. It affects the village and community feel of Marple. However, contracting to a car park company means Asda can pretend it is nothing to do with them. What can be done about this?

  4. Peter says:

    Quite simply, a boycott of this Marple store would soon sort out this situation. In any event, it is quite a dangerous car park with people walking all over the place! No designated walkways or anything to even try to make it safer for users.

  5. Unbelievable ,,,,,,, says:

    I was ticketed for 11 mins over and tried to ‘fight’ it with marple assistant manager who was unrelenting and dismissive and yes I am a female pensioner and so have just paid the £40 as frightened if I don’t it will cost more. Lived in Marple 40plus years but this has tainted the joys of Marple shopping – very sad. No leeway, discretion or compassion – profit above everything else and on the day Asda named as misleading shoppers over prices !!!!!

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