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Stepping Hill Hospital – massive hike in car park charges

by Geoff Abell on 17 August, 2016

As well as ward closure and increase in staff parking charges, the hospital has announced the following.



Car Parking Fees

Car parking charges are as follows:

  • Up to 2 hours: £2.50
  • 2-4 hours: £4.00
  • More than 4 hours: £6.00

Please note the revised car parking rates as of 1st September 2016 are:

  • Up to 2 hours: £3.50
  • 2-4 hours: £5.50
  • More than 4 hours: £8.00




2 Responses

  1. Joy Armstrong says:

    If they provided more disabled parking places and made a nominal charge of £1.50, as a disabled person I would not object to this. This would be better than ariving an hour before every appointment in order to go round and round the car park looking for a space which would allow me to open my door wide enough to get out and finally ringing whichever department I was supposed to be attending to say “Sorry, I am here but after an hour I have had enough. There are still no places to park and rather than abandom my car (which many do) I am off home”. I would rather pay for my space and get one than waste the money on fuel to no end, wasting appointment times etc.

  2. Sam Donnellan says:

    Completely agree with Joy Armstrong about increasing the number of disabled spaces and introduction of a nominal charge. I also think that a ‘pay on exit’ scheme for all other users would be beneficial. Not only would it save the panic felt by patients when their appointment overran but those attending for a very short appointment would not have to pay for a minimum 2 hour stay. If car parking was charged for in 30 minute blocks then people needing only a short amount of time (such as when dropping off toiletries or medication for relatives who’d been admitted as an emergency), wouldn’t loiter but leave quickly, thus freeing a car parking space. Additionally it would end the culture of users giving their car park ticket to others in order to use the remaining available time and would therefore generate additional payments. If SHH worked on the basis of £1.00 per 30 minutes people would be more inclined to pay that amount rather than the current £2.50 or proposed £3.50 minimum charge. I feel the greater movement of traffic would actually mean more cash would be put into the coffers and visitors would be far less resentful.

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