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Stockport help in the Syrian crisis

by Geoff Abell on 17 September, 2015

Stockport Council is joining forces with the Syria Relief charity in a bid to encourage residents to support the 12 million Syrian people who are in need.


Syrian refugees

Photo: AP/Hadi Mizban


Syria Relief has a solid network of committed management and logistics staff on the ground inside Syria, striving to deliver humanitarian aid in hard-to-reach rural areas, as well as heavily populated and even some besieged areas.


Items needed include:

Canned Food: Fish, Beans, Sweetcorn, Fruit, Dates, Peanut Butter, Margarine, Water

Bedding: Sleeping Bags, Blankets, Sleeping Mats, Tents

Hygiene Kits: Shampoo, Soap, Toothpaste, Toothbrush, Towels, Sanitary Pads

First Aid Kits: Pain Killer, Plasters, Sanitizers, Mosquito Protection Cream


Additionally, GLO Church in Offerton is coordinating the Project Paddington across Stockport and Greater Manchester.  The Project Paddington aims to encourage children to donate a clean teddy with a kind message to send to a refugee child who has fled the war in Syria.  Residents can drop off their donations and teddy bears at the Stockport Town Hall reception, Edward Street, Stockport, SK1 3XE, between 9am and 5pm.


Councillor Sue Derbyshire, Leader at Stockport Council, said: “The Council is delighted to be embarking on this partnership with Syria Relief.   More than half the population of Syria has been displaced and affected by a brutal civil war, so I’m urging our local residents to donate and support those in need.”


For more details about donation (including money) visit  Syria Relief .


2 Responses

  1. Carol Shaw says:

    I am all for helping the plight of genuine Syrian refugees . But I hope that Mr Cameron is not suaved from his plans only to take refugees from the refugee camps in Syria.
    I have been watching coverage of the migrant crisis on TV and it is very noticeable that the majority of migrants appear to be unaccompanied young men. I think it is very foolish of us to think that amongst these young men are not a great many ISIS infiltrators, it is inconceivable that ISIS would not take advantage of this opportunity to walk into Europe unchecked.

    • Jazz says:

      Carol, our thoughts are manipulated these days, we can not think freely for ourselves. Think about it before we used to say and worry about British born are going to Syria to join ISIS, now we are worrying about ISIS infiltrators coming here. do ISIS infiltrators need to go through all that trouble, they are CIA funded/trained militia for goodness sake. they have recruitment power to hire muslim fools (who we call radicals) anywhere in the world, they have no interest in Islam nor in humanity. ISIS, Al-qaida, Al-Shabab are all CIA funded scaremongers.
      If you don’t believe me, please read “corbett report”

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