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Roadworks update for Marple Bridge

by Geoff Abell on 17 February, 2018

GOOD NEWS – as of 10 mins ago BRABYNS BROW CADENT ROADWORKS ARE GONE (27th March 16:00)

Newsflashes from our roads people at Stockport Council that may affect your journey next week –

14th – 22nd February: Brabyns Brow, Marple Bridge – REVISED END DATE

Contractors working on behalf of Cadent Gas are currently undertaking emergency works to repair a gas escape on Brabyns Brow, adjacent to Marple Railway Station.  These works which were due to finish on 19th February are now expected to be completed by 22nd February and require the use of temporary traffic signals.

19th February: Lower Fold, Marple Bridge

Contractors working on behalf of United Utilities will be replacing a manhole frame and cover in the carriageway on Lower Fold, Marple Bridge at the junction with Town Street.

These works will take place between the hours of 7 pm and 10 pm on Monday 19th February and will require the use of temporary traffic signals.

High Lane

Also the A6 will be resurfaced next week, whether permitting, around the medical centre in High Lane, but only during the daytime between rush hours


5 Responses

  1. Chris farnsworth says:

    The gas leak at Brabyms brow causes chaos every day at rush hour but seems to go on for ever . When I pasS have only seen one man working on it . The others are on the phone or sitting in their vans . They leave on Friday afternoon and don’ t return till Monday morning . I complained to Annette Finnyey. butt nave no reply
    . You definitely have my vote if you can sort this mess out. Best wishes Chris Farnsworth

    • Geoff Abell says:

      Chris – there are a heck of a lot of roadworks at the moment. Officers do tell us when they are taking place or when the end date is delayed. In addition to the scheduled ones, there have been a whole load of emergencies around Marple and High Lane, and we have to allow utilities to complete them.
      Having said that, Cadent (who do the Gas network) have regularly dug up our roads on Arkwright Road and now the key road of Brabyns Brow. Is it time to do a proper replacement of all the old cast iron pipes? I have asked that very question. Thanks for raising this – many others must be thinking the same.

  2. F Morris says:

    If Cadent gas cannot fix the gas leak on Brabyns brow in a reasonable timeframe I.e one week they should not be in this business , they should be fined for every day they go over a short deadline , that would ensure more than one worker is employed and stop them sitting in their van half the day on their phones drinking coffee , the chaos this is causing is unacceptable and needs to be addressed urgently,
    If these people were asked to replace all the old pipes on brabyns we would have this nonsense situation for months if not years at Cadents work rate !

  3. CJ says:

    I have to come through this route each morning and it took me 50 mins today from The Windsor Castle Pub to get through the roadwork’s by the station. Absolute chaos. Do you have a revised completion date at all please?

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