Marple Lib Dems

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Some more information

by Malcolm Allan on 24 April, 2020

I know some people are still having problems with bins. The advice is still as it was. With their current reduced capacity, the crews will continue to collect any rounds they are unable to do on subsequent days so residents are advised to leave their bins out for collection on the next possible working day if our crews aren’t able to get to them on their allocated day. Please note that collections will not take place on Saturday or Sunday.

Remote education resources

It is tough for many parents with kids at home that are trying to support them with their tasks for school. The Oak National Academy is an initiative launched this week to support home based learning. This brand-new enterprise has been created by 40 teachers from some of the leading schools across England, backed by government grant funding. It will provide 180 video lessons each week, across a broad range of subjects from maths to art to languages, for every year group from Reception through to Year 10. The BBC has also launched its own education package across TV and online:

Oak national academy:
BBC’s education package:

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