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Help with the lock down…..

by Malcolm Allan on 5 May, 2020

Some more information for people on mental health and emotional wellbeing
The council and health bodies launched three new emotional wellbeing and mental health services a few weeks ago. These expand the support available to residents and complement other local services at what is a particularly stressful time:

• Access to the Big White Wall for anyone in Stockport over the age of 16
• the Making Space helpline for anyone in Stockport over the age of 18
• An Emotional Wellbeing Hub which provides information, advice, and guidance for anyone up to the age of 25 with emotional wellbeing and mental health concerns.
Since the Big White Wall was launched on 14th April 2020, there have been:
• 70 Registrations
• 1681 Page Views
• 226 Logins

As there are now a number of support offers available to residents, there is an easy reference guide to the support available.

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