Marple Lib Dems

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Mental Health

by Malcolm Allan on 22 May, 2020

It’s Mental Health Awareness week this week, which is very pertinent in current times.
Each year the week has a different theme and this year it’s “kindness” which I think is both a welcome reminder, and has been practiced by so many local residents and help groups round here.
From the publicity:
“Research tells us that kindness and our mental health are deeply connected –kindness is an antidote to isolation and creates a sense of belonging. It can help to reduce stress, brings a fresh perspective and deepens friendships. Being kind to yourself is also important – it can prevent shame from corroding our sense of identity and help boost our self-esteem. Kindness can even improve our feelings of confidence and optimism.
We know that one act of kindness can lead to many more. This type of community action can help us to inspire others as we discover our connections to each other and extend kindness to ourselves.”
“Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.” The 14th Dalai Lama

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