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A couple of initiatives around the pandemic

by Malcolm Allan on 26 May, 2020

Together in One Voice – virtual choir event

Together In One Voice is a community led event for the whole of Greater Manchester in which residents are invited to join together in song, from their windows and doorsteps on Thursday 28th May at 7.30pm.

The event will be captured under social distancing guidelines with drones, street cameras and residents’ own films and edited together to produce a show for national release on the evening of Sunday 31st May.

The YouTube Live event with Manchester International Festival will feature songs and artists from Greater Manchester’s musical heritage, past and present, with a few special guest appearances. The event will promote community spirit and encourage everyone to take care of their mental health in the weeks and months ahead.

Choir Director Dan McDwyer has been running online choir rehearsals in recent days to promote well being through song.

Remember Me

The coronavirus pandemic has cost tens of thousands of lives across the UK, lives which people want to honour and remember. St Paul’s Cathedral has launched Remember Me, an online book of remembrance for all those in the UK who have died as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. People of any faith, or none, are invited to contribute to Remember Me.

Family, friends or carers of those who have died can submit, free of charge, the name, photograph and a short message in honour of a deceased person via the Remember Me website ( The initiative is being supported by HRH The Prince of Wales and it is intended that there will be a physical Remember Me memorial at St Paul’s Cathedral.

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