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Out of hours GP service has moved

by Geoff Abell on 25 November, 2015


Out of hours GP service move Nov 2015


As from late Oct, the Mastercall premises have moved from the A6 near Longshut Lane to new, larger premises with better parking behind Stepping Hill Hospital on Pepper Road.  (Click on the map to see more clearly.)

Any queries?  Then please ring them on 0161 476 0400.

Directions from Hazel Grove/A6
§§ Turn into New Moor Lane which continues into Bramhall Moor Lane from the A6 (Where
the George and Dragon Pub is and opposite Sainsbury’s)
§§ Continue approximately 1 mile down this road, past Stepping Hill Hospital maternity
entrance and over the railway bridge
§§ Continue over the roundabout (second exit) past the new build offices and past the
second bridge
§§ Turn right into Pepper Road (there’s a business sign that says ‘NXP Manchester’ at the
entrance to the business park)

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