Marple Lib Dems

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Don’t Lose Your Vote!

by Geoff Abell on 1 April, 2016

Local elections for Stockport Council on Thurs, 5 May; EU referendum on Thurs, 23 June.


Photo Jack Hynes via LSE Democratic Audit 

There are 2 important elections coming.  Voter registration has changed (so that individuals register rather than the “head of the household”).  Most will have been carried across, but if you are unsure or wish to update your postal vote (the Stockport Election’s Office need a new signature every 5 years), please visit the webpage on Stockport MBC below or phone the elections office on 217 6026 if you do not have access to the internet.  Apply by Mon, 18 April to get a vote in the local elections.

It’s a good idea to get a postal vote.  It’s easy, and not just for those who are away or find it difficult to get to the polling station.

Voting Registration

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