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by Geoff Abell on 12 April, 2016
CRT/H2O has just issued a newsletter detailing how they are planning to develop the site at Marple Wharf. The plan includes improved boating facilities for New Horizons and canal users, renovation of the Toll House which will be available for community use and a base for CRT volunteers, seven town houses and the renovation of the Grade II listed former warehouse.
Cllr Sue Ingham and The Civic Society have been working with CRT for some time to determine the nature of the development of this important site and more recently to establish how the historic warehouse building can be brought back into use for the benefit of the community. The current proposal is looking into forming a Community Interest Company (CIC) where the building would be leased on a commercial basis from H2O Urban. We are continuing to work closely with CRT/H2O and the Council to establish how this could operate.
CRT/H2O expects to submit a planning application shortly.
(H2O Urban is a partnership between Canal & River Trust and property developer Bloc)
I am concerned with the way CRT keep changing their proposal about the use of the warehouse. The stipulation in their latest proposal that it will be let at a commercial rent will effectively rule out any local participation unless planning restrictions are placed upon it.
If I can produce, in conjunction with the accountants Deloitte, a realistic business plan to use the toll house and part of the warehouse for a Heritage Centre, would the area committee be prepared to support that in a submission to the planning authority?